
The IBS-SIBO Solution

If you suffer from:

  • Gas and bloating
  • Constipation and/or diarrhoea
  • Digestive pain after eating

Then you may have a reversible condition called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

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SIBO is the #1 cause of IBS

Had gas and bloating for years? Think it’s just normal?

Think again.

What is SIBO and how do you treat it?

Dr Geoff Mullan, has successfully treated hundreds of SIBO patients. In this video he:

1. Explains what SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) is

2. How to diagnose and treat it

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Introducing The IBS-SIBO Solution

with OMED Health

We will help you to:

  • Enjoy food again
  • Get rid of toxic bloat
  • Say goodbye to brain fog
  • Avoid recurrence of SIBO
  • Feel body-confident
  • Get your energy back
  • Feel yourself again!

By giving you:

  • Fast diagnosis from the comfort of your home
  • Treatment plan tailored to your type of SIBO
  • Antimicrobial or antibiotic treatment options
  • Step-by-step guidance with our online course (>30 videos)
  • Weekly online group sessions with expert nutritionists
  • Detailed nutritional guidance and video recipes

Step 1: diagnose SIBO – quick & easy

The fastest way to diagnose SIBO in days not weeks. SIBO diagnosis
involves analysing hydrogen and methane in the breath. Breath testing is done at home with our SIBO breath testing kits.

We then review your results and give you a diagnosis of your type of SIBO.

Your clinical SIBO diagnosis requires a CQC-registered Doctor to review your result.

How does the device work?

Watch the video to see how you can easily diagnose SIBO from home. No failed tests. The regulated medical team will review your results and give you your diagnosis within just 4 working days. Most companies take 2-3 weeks to do this.

You will use the SIBO kit alongside the OMED Health Breath Analyzer that connects to an app via Bluetooth.

To do a lactulose challenge test you will need to to share your clinical data with us. You do this by accepting a request which will be emailed to you.

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Can I test for other food intolerances?

Yes. You can test for lactose and fructose intolerance using these kits.

What is the process?

The process of diagnosing SIBO includes:

  1. Supply of your OMED Health Breath Test kit and OMED Breath Analyzer device, which is yours to keep.
  2. Access to the online material to help you understand SIBO, its causes and symptoms.
  3. Review of your gut health questionnaire along with your test results.
  4. These will then be reviewed by a nutritionist and a medical Doctor.
  5. We will then supply you with a formal diagnosis on your type of SIBO.
  6. Your SIBO result is NOT available directly on the OMED Health app. It will be available on your humanpeople dashboard.
  7. You will get access to videos to help you understand your type of SIBO.
  8. You will get advice on the next steps on how to treat your SIBO.

Do I need to be careful about what I eat before doing the SIBO test?

Yes. An important part of the test is to avoid certain foods.

Preparation for your SIBO test

24 hours beforehand: No alcohol.

YES: plain foods meat, fish, eggs, firm tofu and white rice are fine

NO: Onions, garlic, beans & pulses, high lactose dairy, soft drinks and grains

1 hour before test

YES: Clean your teeth but no mouthwash

NO: Mouthwash, smoking, exercise during or before test

Step 2: Treat SIBO – “Remove” Phase

The “remove” or “kill” phase

First we need to remove the bacteria from the small intestine.

What is the remove/kill phase?

The kill or remove stage involves removing the excess bacteria in the small intestine.

As SIBO has often been present for years this can take time. This phase lasts 2-4 weeks and requires strong therapeutics to kill off the microbes that have become established there.

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What is the best way to get rid of SIBO?

Over the last seven years, Dr Geoff Mullan has treated hundreds of patients who have SIBO. These are the key things you need to do to treat SIBO effectively.

  1. Don’t try to do it yourself. Get professional assistance to guide your through treatment. No two patients are the same and problems often crop up.
  2. Get a support group who understands your problems. When things are tough they will help support you through treatment.
  3. This is probably the most important: when you have killed off the bacteria the work is only halfway done. You need to restore normal function in the gut to build up your defences or else it will return.
  4. A multidisciplinary approach is essential. The nutrition element is vital to a successful treatment. If you ignore this your treatment is likely to fail.
  5. Be patient and ask questions.
  6. Your treatment protocol needs to have detoxification support. That means glutathione and if needed treatment to avoid constipation. Otherwise you will get horrible die-off symptoms.
  7. Build up your treatment slowly to avoid side effects.
  8. Heal your gut after the initial kill phase.

How long does the kill phase last?

There are two recognised ways of removing the microbes causing SIBO. Many clinical studies have been done looking at the effectiveness.

In our combined 30 years of experience we find that a longer treatment period of 3-4 weeks with herbal antimicrobials is the most effective way. There are fewer side effects and better resolution.

However, we do also offer the option to be prescribed antibiotics which will require a 1:1 consultation with one of our medical team (not included in the price of the treatment course).

What about nutritional advice?

Following a specific guided diet is essential in resolving SIBO. We will recommend a specific diet and guide you with exactly what you need to do during the remove phase.

You will have videos explaining what you need to do along with recipes so you can still enjoy your food with minimal symptoms.

Every week we will hold a live webinar, which you can join and have all of your questions answered.

These sessions will be held by one of the team who will have access to all of your questionnaires and results.

Doing this in a group has multiple advantages:

  1. Research has shown that treating in groups improves the overall outcomes. Not only do you get your questions answered but you will also gain really helpful insights and solutions from others. This is included in the course and we strongly encourage you to join.
  2. You will also be given access to the private SIBO group where you can ask questions and one of the team will answer these. You can also see previous questions and answers.

Step 3: Treat SIBO -“Restore” Phase

The “restore” phase to heal your gut and stop recurrence

Dr Geoff Mullan explains the importance of the restore phase and gives insight into how we do this. The most common cause of recurrence is a failure to heal the gut and restore normal function.

What is the restore phase?

During the restore phase you will have a number of things provided to you that will help your gut to heal and restore normal function:

  • You will start to reintroduce foods to get back to a normal diet. We will show you how to do this.
  • Specific supplements to support normal digestion, normalise your immune reaction, reduce leaky gut and help get you back to a normal diet.
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What happens if I don’t do the restore phase?

When we have removed the microbes from the small intestine we have put out the fire.

However, significant damage has been done and the body needs to support to speed up the healing process and stop that fire recurring.

Will I need a prokinetic after the kill phase?

Yes! It’s important to get things moving again through the digestive system.

This is a key way to stop recurrence. A prokinetic will help normal contraction of the small intestine, which is key to stopping recurrence.

Our proprietary ginger and artichoke blend is a gentle way of doing this.

We will also sometimes use resolor/ prucalopride. Prokinetic agents are taken at night on an empty stomach to make sure no food remnants remain in the small intestine allowing unwanted microbes to regrow.

Depending on the underlying cause of your SIBO, it may be necessary to continue with prokinetics for several months, or in some cases longer.

Will I have to stay on a restricted diet?

No. If your gut health is fully restored then it is very likely that foods that used to cause problems will no longer be an issue.

However, that is why we are careful about the reintroduction of foods. It needs to be done slowly and methodically. Our online course guides you through this step-by-step.

Sometimes there may still be one or two foods that you struggle with. In these cases, you may need to be careful with your intake over a longer period of time.


Treat your SIBO today

The IBS-SIBO Solution consists of three products to help you beat SIBO.

1. SIBO diagnosis: diagnose if you have SIBO and identify the type of SIBO.

2. SIBO course: complete our online course and full nutrition programme and support

3. SIBO treatment: antimicrobials and therapeutics (or antibiotics, which requires 1:1 consultation*)

Take the first step to feeling yourself again!

Beating SIBO can be life-changing

“I’ve already lost about 6kg of what I would describe as toxic bloat that I’ve been unable to shift the last 2 years!! So physically I feel back to my healthy/happy size!!

Overall, feeling SO much better and just so so grateful for your gut health program” – EV, London UK.

man smiling with omed device near mouth (6)


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What are the first signs of SIBO?

The most common sign of SIBO is bloating after eating. If this occurs regularly after eating foods with a high fibre content you may have SIBO. Typically bloating occurs within 30 minutes of eating.

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Does SIBO cause weight gain?

Patients with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) often lose weight after treatment for a few reasons:

  1. Malabsorption: SIBO can lead to malabsorption of nutrients in the food you eat, which may result in weight loss. As the treatment helps to rebalance the gut microbiota, absorption processes return to normal.
  2. Reduction in inflammation and bloating: With effective treatment, the inflammation and bloating often associated with SIBO decreases. While this isn’t actual weight loss, it can lead to a decrease in body size and potentially a decrease in weight, especially if the bloating and inflammation were severe. Most patients notice that they can fit into clothes that had previously been too tight.
  3. Changes in appetite and dietary habits: The discomfort and bloating that come with SIBO leads many people to eat less, while others may eat more in an attempt to alleviate their symptoms. Once the SIBO is treated, appetite returns to normal, and with it a more balanced healthy diet.
  4. Changes in gut bacteria: The bacteria in our gut can influence our metabolism and how we store fat. By treating SIBO and altering the composition of the gut microbiota, this is probably another reason for an impact on a person’s weight.

Does SIBO cause weight loss?

Yes. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) can lead to weight loss. This happens because the excess bacteria in the small intestine can interfere with the normal digestion and absorption of food, which might result in malnutrition and weight loss. The bacteria can consume some of the nutrients that your body would normally absorb, further contributing to weight loss. Additionally, the discomfort caused by SIBO can also lead to a decrease in appetite in some individuals, which might result in reduced food intake and weight loss.

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Does SIBO cause inflammation?

Yes. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) can indeed cause inflammation. The overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine can lead to an increased production of gases and other by-products that irritate the lining of the intestines. This can result in an inflammatory response, leading to symptoms like pain, bloating, and alterations in bowel movements.

Moreover, the bacteria can potentially damage the lining of the small intestine, leading to increased intestinal permeability, often referred to as “leaky gut”. This condition allows bacteria and their toxins, as well as partially digested food, to escape from the intestines into the bloodstream, which can trigger a systemic inflammatory response in the body.

SIBO is not just a condition that causes discomfort and altered bowel movements, but it can also lead to more serious health problems if left untreated.

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Does SIBO cause brain fog?

Yes. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) does lead to symptoms of brain fog, which might include poor concentration, confusion, and a lack of mental clarity. The exact mechanisms aren’t fully understood, but the current understanding is:

  1. Nutrient malabsorption: SIBO can lead to malabsorption of vital nutrients due to bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. This lack of nutrients, such as B vitamins which are crucial for neurological function, may contribute to brain fog.
  2. Gut-brain axis: The gut and the brain communicate closely through the gut-brain axis. Changes in the gut microbiota (as occurs in SIBO) can influence brain function through this axis, potentially leading to symptoms such as brain fog.
  3. Inflammation and “leaky gut”: SIBO can lead to inflammation and increased intestinal permeability, often referred to as “leaky gut”. This allows toxins, bacteria, and other particles to enter the bloodstream, which may trigger an immune response and systemic inflammation. This inflammation can affect the brain and lead to symptoms of brain fog.
  4. Production of toxins: Overgrown bacteria in the gut can produce harmful substances (endotoxins) that can enter the bloodstream and affect the brain, leading to symptoms of brain fog.
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What does SIBO look like in stool?

  1. Diarrhoea: Diarrhoea often occurs in individuals with SIBO, leading to loose or watery stools.
  2. Malabsorption: If SIBO is severe, it can result in malabsorption, leading to pale, oily, or unusually smelly stools due to unabsorbed fats. This condition is known as steatorrhoea.
  3. Constipation: Some people with SIBO experience constipation, which can sometimes alternate with periods of diarrhoea.
  4. Floating stools: High gas content or malabsorption can cause the stools of people with SIBO to float.
  5. Changes in colour: Although not specific to SIBO, changes in stool colour can occur with various digestive disorder
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Does SIBO cause bad breath?

Yes. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) can potentially contribute to symptoms of acid reflux, also known as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).

The overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine linked with SIBO can lead to increased production of gas. This excess gas may increase pressure within the abdomen, potentially forcing stomach acid upwards into the oesophagus, causing symptoms of acid reflux.

Additionally, the bacteria can interfere with the correct functioning of the muscles controlling the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, including the lower oesophageal sphincter. This sphincter acts as a barrier to prevent backflow of stomach acid. If its function is compromised, it could result in acid reflux.

Furthermore, SIBO can cause inflammation and damage to the gut lining, which could indirectly affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, potentially contributing to acid reflux.

It’s important to note acid reflux can result from many other factors as well, including diet, certain medications, obesity, and other medical conditions.

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What does having SIBO feel like?

Having Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) can result in a variety of symptoms that can greatly affect a person’s quality of life. Here’s what having SIBO might feel like:

  1. Abdominal discomfort or pain: This is often described as a cramping sensation or a feeling of pressure in the abdomen. It might get worse after meals.
  2. Bloating and swelling: Many people with SIBO experience bloating, which can lead to a feeling of fullness or swelling in the abdomen.
  3. Changes in bowel movements: This could include diarrhoea, constipation, or a mixture of both. Some individuals might notice changes in the colour, consistency, or frequency of their bowel movements.
  4. Fatigue: Feeling tired or having low energy is common with SIBO, possibly due to the body’s effort to cope with the infection or resulting from nutrient malabsorption.
  5. Gas and belching: An overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine can produce excess gas, leading to frequent passing of wind or belching.
  6. Nausea or loss of appetite: Some individuals might feel nauseated or have a reduced appetite, possibly due to the discomfort or bloating after eating.
  7. Weight loss: Despite eating normally, some people with SIBO might lose weight, usually due to malabsorption of nutrients.
  8. Symptoms beyond the gut: Some people may also experience symptoms beyond the gut such as brain fog, joint pain, skin issues like rashes or rosacea, and other systemic symptoms.
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Is SIBO linked to fibromyalgia?

Research suggests there may be a link between Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and fibromyalgia. Both conditions involve chronic pain, and studies have shown that a higher-than-average percentage of individuals with fibromyalgia test positive for SIBO.

Fibromyalgia is a complex disorder characterized by widespread muscle pain, fatigue, and tenderness in localized areas. The cause of fibromyalgia is still not completely understood, but it is thought to involve a variety of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors.

SIBO, on the other hand, involves an excessive amount of bacteria in the small intestine. This can lead to malabsorption of nutrients, bloating, and abdominal pain.

The connection between the two conditions may be due to several factors:

  1. Gut-brain axis: The gut and the brain communicate closely through what is known as the gut-brain axis. Changes in the gut microbiota (as occurs in SIBO) can influence brain function and the perception of pain.
  2. Inflammation: Both SIBO and fibromyalgia have been linked to increased levels of inflammation in the body. In SIBO, the inflammation occurs due to bacterial overgrowth, whereas in fibromyalgia, the inflammation may be a result of a heightened immune response.
  3. Altered pain perception: Some research suggests that individuals with SIBO may have an increased perception of pain, which could contribute to the pain experienced in fibromyalgia.
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