
Troubleshooting – App & Breath Analyzer 


OMED Health Breath Analyzer and App Connection 

OMED Health Breath Analyzer and App Connection

The device and app aren’t connecting. How do I connect them?

  • Ensure that the battery in the breath analyzer is sufficiently charged to enable operation. Observe the side indicator status – if its illuminated red (not flashing), re-charge the battery using the supplied cable.  
  • Ensure that the breath analyzer has previously been paired with the app. The app provides guidance on how to pair the device when needed.  
  • Ensure that you have Bluetooth communication switched on in your phone settings before you try to connect the breath analyzer.  
  • Observe the side indicator status – if it flashes three times repeatedly in a sequence there is a device error.  Contact OMED Health Customer Support on info@omedhealth.com to request assistance. 
OMED Health Breath Analyzer and App Connection

Breath analysis results are not appearing on my app.

Breath analysis results will be presented in the app when a valid breath sample is provided, the environmental conditions for use of the breath analyzer are in range and there are no hardware errors detectedThe app will provide user notifications if it is necessary to re-collect a breath sample and will manage operation of the breath analyzer for you in this period.

Status indicators on the OMED Health Breath Analyzer

Status indicators on the OMED Health Breath Analyzer

Red indicator illuminates on the side of the breath analyzer – what does that mean?

  • If its on (not flashing), that means the battery level is low in your breath analyzer device. Re-charge the product using the supplied charging cable.  
  • If its flashing, that means a breath sampling error or device fault has occurred. Follow any in-app user notifications or contact OMED Health Customer Support via info@omedhealth.com.
Status indicators on the OMED Health Breath Analyzer

Amber flashing indicator on the top of the breath analyzer – what does that mean?

The breath analyzer is warming up or in cleaning mode. Observe the countdown timer in the app to monitor when the product will be ready to enable the breath sampling process.  

Status indicators on the OMED Health Breath Analyzer

Red flashing indicator on the top of the breath analyzer – what does that mean?

If the indicator flashes in a sequence of 3 pulses, the breath analyser has detected an invalid breath sample.

If the indicator flashes in a sequence of 5 pulses, the breath analyzer has detected that environmental temperature or humidity is out of range for breath sampling or the breath analyzer has failed to warm up in the allocated time.

Follow the in-app user notifications in preparation for providing a further breath sample.

OMED Health Breath Analyzer

OMED Health Breath Analyzer

My device is taking a long time to warm up – is it broken?

When in regular use, the breath analyzer will usually take 2 minutes to warm up before it is ready for breath sampling. However, up to a further 3 minutes of time may be needed if:

1) You try to use the breath analyzer immediately after you receive it and before it has been charged.

2) If you try to use the breath analyzer following a period of several days or weeks of non-use and it has not recently been charged.

Occasionally the app may also notify that warm up has failed after a further 3 minutes of time and the breath analyzer is required to be charged for a minimum of 15 minutes before breath sampling.

Extended warm up times (and associated steps to resolve) are a normal and intended feature of breath analyzer device operation. The device is not broken or damaged if you observe this behaviour.

For more information about the status indicators on the Breath Analyzer click here.

OMED Health Breath Analyzer

I have been ill recently; can I clean the mouthpiece?

Yes, the mouthpiece can be cleaned using a cloth dampened with water. Do not attempt to remove the mouthpiece when cleaning. Do not immerse the product in liquid or use alcohol, soap or detergent for cleaning purposes.   

OMED Health Breath Analyzer

How do I know if my breath analyzer is charging up when plugged in?

The side indicator on the breath analyzer will flash green whilst the battery is being re-charged. When battery charge has completed, the side indicator will illuminate green (not flashing).   

OMED Health Breath Analyzer

My breath analyzer has a fault – what should I do?

Contact OMED Customer Support via info@omedhealth.com to receive further support and guidance on next steps. 

OMED Health Breath Analyzer

Can I use any cable to charge the breath analyzer device?

You should use the cable supplied with the areath analyzer to re-charge the battery. In the event that you have misplaced the supplied charging cable, please consult the product specifications table as shown in the Getting Started Guide.

OMED Health Breath Analyzer

How do I turn the breath analyzer off after use?

There is no requirement to manually power off the areath analyzer following use. The product will automatically switch off after a three-minute period of inactivity and will go into Sleep Mode to conserve battery power. 

OMED Health Breath Analyzer

I can’t upgrade the software on the Breath Analyzer when prompted to do so by the app?

  • Ensure that the battery in the breath analyzer is charged. 
  • You are recommended to carry out the software update with the breath analyzer connected to a power supply using the supplied cable. 
OMED Health Breath Analyzer

Do I need to switch the breath analyzer on before I perform a software update?

  • Yes, the breath analyzer will need to be powered on and connected to the app to enable the software update to be performed. 
  • When a software update is available from the app, you can choose to run the update when you next collect a breath sample. Simply tap the ‘+’ icon to add a breath sample and you will be prompted with instructions. 
  • Alternatively when a software update is available from the app, you can choose to run the update at any point before you collect a breath sample. Tap on the Account page, navigate to the My Device page and follow the on-screen prompts.  

Providing a Breath Sample

Providing a Breath Sample

I can’t breathe out continuously for 20 seconds.

The ease with which a breath sample can be provided varies from person to person and depends to some extent on lung capacity and your breath sampling technique. It’s important that you release your breath into the Breath Analyzer mouthpiece in a steady, continuous flow for a 20 second period following the in-app guidance. You may need to practice your technique to make the sampling process more comfortable. Take a moment to watch our video for practical insights on mastering the breath sampling process.

Providing a Breath Sample

Why does my breath sample keep failing?

In order to complete the breath sampling process, you will need to release your breath in a single, consistent flow for 20 seconds. If you release your breath too quickly it may be difficult to achieve a 20 second sample. If your airflow is too inconsistent over the 20 second period, this may invalidate the breath sample.

Providing a Breath Sample

The device is not detecting my breath.

It may be necessary to release your breath into the Breath Analyzer with a higher flow rate to enable breath detection. In addition, please check the side indicator to determine if there is a hardware error (red light flashing in a sequence of 3 pulses). 

Mobile App Issues

Mobile App Issues

How do I add a favourite, to stop inputting the same thing every time?

Adding your favourite foods and drinks is simple. Simply type in your food or drink of choice and tick ‘Add as Favourite’ in the box below your entry and it will appear in your Favourites list for next time. 

Mobile App Issues

When I log data, the Progress Graphic does not update.

The Progress Graphic updates as you log data and reflects your progress towards a Daily Minimum target, which comprises three food, three drink, three symptom, one lifestyle and four breath sample logs (when a Breath Analyzer is connected to the app). The Progress Graphic will not update further once you have achieved the Daily Minimum target for data collection. However, we recommend you continue to log data using the app and Breath Analyzer for the remainder of the day once you have achieved the daily minimum. All data logged in the app can be visualized and reported for use by your clinician. You are recommended to log data based on the data collection regime that you have agreed in advance with your clinician.

Mobile App Issues

I can’t see all of my data in the infographic.

The infographic groups the data that you have recorded and makes it accessible in hourly intervals. Tap on the circles that are shown in hourly intervals on the 24-hour time axis to reveal more granular lists of food and drink data. Tap on any circles which display ‘…’ for symptoms, hydrogen, methane and lifestyle data to access more granular time-based data views.   

Mobile App Issues

I logged some data incorrectly – can I edit or delete it?

Yes, you can view, edit and delete any symptom, food/drink and lifestyle data that you have logged over the past 14 days by tapping on the ‘…’ button on the Home page of the app.  Breath sample data can either be saved or cancelled (deleted) immediately following breath sample collection as part of the standard breath sampling workflow.  

Mobile App Issues

The infographic shows data types that I don’t want to review – can I remove them?

Yes, you can hide data types from display using the filter icon (insert icon). Filter selections will be remembered next time you visit the infographic using the same phone or tablet.  

Mobile App Issues

My symptoms are not listed in the app for data logging.

We recognize that everyone may experience different digestive health symptoms. At present, the app lists a standard set of symptom types that are generally considered by clinicians to be those that are most encountered and clinically useful for the intended purpose.    

Mobile App Issues

When logging sleep do I log the start or end time of my sleep?

We recommend that you log your sleep quality with the time that reflects when you awoke from your sleep. However above all, try to ensure that the time that you assign for your sleep quality logs uses a consistent approach.    

Mobile App Issues

How do I view previously entered data?

You can edit, view and delete data by tapping on the ‘…’ icon in the Home page of the app then selecting the data type that you want to edit further. View the list of data entries and select the ‘…’ icon for each entry to edit or delete as required. Note: Breath sample data can be viewed but cannot be edited or deleted once saved. 

Mobile App Issues

When I try to log out, I get a message stating ‘Unsynced data’ – what should I do?

It is recommended that you synchronize any locally stored data on your phone to the centralised database before you close the app. This will happen automatically unless you receive a notification to highlight a problem. If you receive a notification, check that you have internet connectivity from your phone or tablet. Visit the My Account screen, then App Settings screen and tap on the (insert the circular arrow icon) to manually synchronize the data. You will be able to review when data was last synchronized to the central database. Contact OMED Customer Support via info@omedhealth.com if you encounter a ‘sync failure’ message for further guidance. 

Mobile App Issues

I can’t update my email address.

When attempting to update your email address, ensure that you are not entering an address that has previously been used to setup another OMED Health account.   

Mobile App Issues

How do I update my password?

You can reset your password if you have forgotten it by following the steps on the app login pageTo change your password for another reason, visit the My Account screen in the app, tap on App Settings and then ‘Change Password’. 

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If your question or issue is not mentioned in our troubleshooting FAQS, we would suggest you contact OMED Customer Support via info@omedhealth.com to receive further support and guidance on next steps. 

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